
Access is restricted by IP ADDRESS.

You have to send your public IP ADDRESS to katia’s support before trying to download the databases.

Databases URLs :

  1. http://data.katia.ch/data/KEY_PUBLIC.tar.enc

  2. http://data.katia.ch/data/KEY_PUBLIC.tar.cpt

.enc and .cpt files are identical but encrypted with two different methods

Data decryption

Decrypting .enc file with OpenSSL

For this example : we assume you have downloaded the file with the following name : katia_data.tar.enc


key_hex=`echo -n $KEY_PRIVATE| xxd -p -u -c 256` openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -d -md md5 -in katia_data.tar.enc -out katia_data.tar -k "$key_hex" -iv 0 

Decrypting .cpt file with the ccrypt binary

For this example : we assume you have downloaded the file with the following name : katia_data.tar.cpt


If KEY_PRIVATE is stored in a file

  ccrypt -d katia_data.tar.cpt -k /path/KEY_PRIVATE_file –f
  ccrypt -d katia_data.tar.cpt -K $KEY_PRIVATE -f

Extracting the tar archive

Done !

Congratulations, you have access to our databases :

  • spam.txt

  • prefix.txt

  • rule.txt

  • antispoofing.txt