
Before moving to the call verification, you have to be sure to have access to our databases

Recommended order for call verification

  1. Normalization

    1. E164 Normalization

  2. Check modules

    1. general Antispoofing

    2. advanced Antispoofing

    3. rule

    4. prefix

    5. spam

Databases processing order

  1. operator whitelisting

  2. katia databases

  3. subscriber database

  4. operator spam databases

  5. other vendors databases

Case sensitivity

case is insensitive

Call verification field

We recommend to perform the check on the field representing the A_NUMBER


  • Caller CLIP

  • Presentation number

Except with Antispoofing avanced, we do not recommend to perform the check on the SIP PAI field.

Using it for call verification may increase the rate of False Positive.